由我校理学院主办、外事办协办的“奇点理论及其应用国际研讨会”于7 月4日至6日在我校成功举行。副校长左禹出席了开幕式并代表学校致词。王子镐校长出席了欢迎晚宴并祝酒。
这次会议得到了国家自然科学基金委员会和王宽诚教育基金会的大力支持。共有50余人参加了研讨会。 其中外国代表21人, 分别来自日本、美国、德国、法国、荷兰、比利时、瑞典和越南等8个国家。国内奇点理论界的专家学者几乎都参加了本次会议。会议共收到论文32篇, 29人在大会发言,他们从不同的侧面报告了该领域的最新进展。据了解,与该领域的其他国际会议相比,这次会议不论在人数上还是在论文数量和质量上,在国内还是空前的。
The ISSTA closed successfully
The International Symposium on Singularity Theory and its Applications, hosted by the faculty of science and international academic exchange office, took place successfully at Beijing University of Chemical Technology from July 4 to 6. Prof Zuo Yu, vice president of BUCT presented the opening ceremony and delivered welcome address. Prof Wang Zihao, the president of BUCT hosted the welcome reception.
This symposium was financially supported by Nature Science Foundation of China, and K.C. Wong Education Foundation, Hong Kong. Among more than 50 participants, there are 21 participants from Belgium, Germany, France, Japan, The Netherlands, Sweden, The United States, and Vietnam. Almost all the researchers in China joint the symposium. The participants submitted 32 papers. 29 of the participants presented their research results on the symposium. It is the biggest conference on this subject hosted in China so far.
Singularity theory, developed in late 1960’s, is a new branch of modern mathematics. Many mathematicians believe that the main theme of mathematics in 21 century is the study of singularity. The reason is that the development of singularity theory has applications not only in many branches of mathematics, but also in economics, social science, biology, physics and chemistry, and etc. The so-called catastrophe theory is one of the applications of the singularity theory.
This symposium has promoted the development of singularity theory and it applications in China, and exchanges and collaborations between the researchers in China and those from the world. During the period of the symposium, some known institutes and universities has shown their interests in establishing exchange and collaboration program with BUCT. The participants expressed their gratitude to the hospitalities from the teachers and students of BUCT, the host university. They are happy to see that the symposium was so well organized. The participants were surprised with the equipments of high quality in the conference rooms.
This symposium has strengthened the international academic exchanges and collaborations, promoted the scientific research, and made more people know BUCT.